Internet Security Policy (spwg)


Chair(s): Richard Pethia <>

Security Area Director(s) Steve Crocker <>

Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: Archive:

Description of Working Group:

The Security Policy Working Group (SPWG) is chartered to create a proposed Internet Security Policy for review, possible modification, and possible adoption by the Internet Activities Board. The SPWG will focus on both technical and administrative issues related to security, including integrity, authentication and confidentiality controls, and the administration of hosts and networks.

Among the issues to be considered in this Working Group are:

Goals and Milestones:

Done Review and approve the Charter making any necessary changes. Begin work on a policy framework. Assign work on detailing issues for each level of the hierarchy with first draft outline.

Done Revise and approve framework documents. Begin work on detailing areas of concern, technical issues, legal issues, and recommendations for each level of the hierarchy.

Done Prepare first draft policy recommendation for Working Group review andmodification.

Done Finalize draft policy and initiate review following standard RFC procedure.

Internet Drafts:

No Current Internet drafts.

Request For Comments:

RFC Stat Published Title ——- – ———- —————————————– RFC1281 Nov 91 Guidelines for the Secure Operation of the Internet